Pakistan Gum Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.
  Quality Policy  
  It is the policy of PGI to
  • Manufacture and deliver products that meet customer requirements as well as applicable regulatory requirements.

  • Strive to meet the needs of its customers through a process of continuous improvement.

  • Provide a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

  To achieve the above, a Quality Assurance system has been established which emphasizes on defect prevention rather than defect detention/correction.  
  Food Safety Policy  
  At PGI we strive to continually improve our food safety systems and are committed to maintain our customers confidence. The following principles are the foundation of our commitment to Food Safety:

  • Ensure that our Food Safety Management System is relevant to the purpose and context of our organization.

  • Provide a framework for establishing and reviewing the Food Safety objectives of our Food Safety Management System.

  • Manufacture our food grade products following a methodology that ensures that the end products meet applicable regulatory and statutory requirements, and mutually agreed customer requirements with respect to food safety.

  • Ensure that the requirements of Food Safety Management System are communicated internally and externally to the relevant stakeholders.

  • Establish, maintain and continually improve food safety program based on principles and requirements of HACCP and FSSC 22000.

  • Build competencies and capabilities related to food safety in our people through training programs.

  No Glass and Brittle material and Sharp Tools Policy  
  • PGI avoids the use of Glass and Brittle material in its plant building and storage warehouses.
  • The plant and machinery do not contain any parts made of glass or brittle material.
  • All tube lights and/or bulbs are covered appropriately to preclude contamination of the product(s) with glass.
  • Where glass is used in windows, the use of protective film is employed to support the glass in the event of breakage.
  • Glass food utensils are not permitted inside the plant and machinery area and storage warehouses.
  • Sharp tools are used only in designated areas and issuance log of sharp tools is maintained.
  • Monitoring of brittle plastic and glass (windows, doors) and sharp tools is carried out on daily basis and records are maintained.
  Halal Policy  
  It is the policy of PGI to
  • Manufacture Halal products in compliance with Halal guidelines issued by the Islamic Religious authorities.

  • Ensure Halal integrity of food processes starting from the control of raw materials and ingredients to manufacturing, packing, storing and dispatch.

  • Strive to ensure that all our food products are Halal, safe, hygienic, and fit for human consumption through continuous improvement.

  • Be compliant to the Pakistan Standard for Halal Management System (PS-3733), and Malaysia Halal Standard (MS-1500).

  Health & Safety Policy  
  • PGI is committed to provide and maintain safe and healthy environment, working conditions, equipment and systems in the workplace.

  • Every employee has the responsibility to prevent accidents and injuries by observing established working rules, following the directions of supervisors, practicing the principles taught in safety trainings and providing ideas so our safety and health efforts can be further strengthened.

  • PGI and its employees have the responsibility to comply with all laws and regulations related to health & safety programs. An effective safety and health program extends beyond normal working hours, and accordingly, safety for employees and their families off the job activities is encouraged.



  Child and Forced Labor Policy  
  • PGI’s commitment to respecting human rights is grounded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, related covenants and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights to Work.

  • PGI will not tolerate the use of child or forced labor, slavery or human trafficking in any of its operations and facilities.

  • PGI will not tolerate the exploitation of children, their engagement in unacceptably hazardous work, or the trafficking, physical punishment, abuse, or involuntary servitude of any worker.

  • PGI expects its business partners to uphold the same standards. Should a pattern of violation of these Principles become known to PGI and not be corrected, we shall discontinue the business relationship.

  • For the purpose of this policy, a “child” is anyone who is less than 18 years of age.


  Environment Management System Policy  
  It is the policy of PGI to
  • Provide its personnel with a clean, safe, and comfortable working environment.

  • Carry operations in compliance with national environmental, health, and safety regulations.
  • Conduct its operations with minimal adverse impacts to the environment where appropriate/possible.

  • Prevent pollution where possible and to continuously improve on its Environment Management System.


  Supplier Code of Conduct  
  PGI expects its Suppliers to:
  • Know and follow the laws that apply to them and their business

  • Alert PGI to any material issues with the goods and services they supply.

  • Compete fairly and ethically for PGI’s business

  • Not offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, inappropriate gifts or hospitality, or other improper incentives in connection with PGI’s business

  • Avoid any conflict of interest relating to financial interests or other arrangements with our employees that may be considered inappropriate

  • Employ appropriate controls and compliance processes for matters such as product, food, and feed safety, worker health and safety, and labor and employment

  • Share our commitment to conducting business honestly and transparently

  • Honor business obligations and manage unanticipated events in a proactive, timely, and open way

  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions at all of their operations

  • Never use or tolerate the use of human trafficking, forced labor, or child labor as defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO)

  • Foster an inclusive work environment that is free of harassment and discrimination

  • Respect employees’ rights to organize and bargain collectively

  • Meet or exceed all legal requirements for compensation and working conditions

  • Protect PGI’s confidential information to which they have access to, including its intellectual property, trade secrets, or financial information

  • Safeguard any property belonging to PGI while under their control

  • Avoid any situations that may adversely affect our business interests or reputation

  • Maintain strict standards to promote product quality, food, and feed safety

  • Work with PGI to implement sustainable processes and correct problems to drive continuous improvement and societal values

  Harassment Policy  
  It is the policy of PGI to
  • Prohibit harassment of its employees in any form. All employees have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination, which includes freedom from harassment. Violation may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

  • Other forms of unlawful harassment are also prohibited at PGI. Such harassment may include harassment based upon a person’s race, national origin, religion, age or disability.

  • Employees who have complaint of harassment should report to Management. Where investigations confirm the allegations, appropriate corrective action will be taken.

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